
Books banned in the past that you have probably read

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Banned books… If there is one thing that worries me deeply in general, it is censorship. I consider the prohibition of any form of artistic expression to be an unforgivable crime.It is true that it is a somewhat controversial topic, but you cannot imagine the number of works of art of all kinds that we would have missed if the book ban had been implemented.

And be careful, that There are many books that have been lost in time, but a loss due to wear and tear is not comparable to one in which a human being has expressly decided to take action and a group of individuals has decided to deprive the rest of us of those works. That is not…

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Literature has always been a powerful way to express ideas, challenge power and question social norms. So much so that I will talk about books that have changed the course of history.. That is why some have been considered a risk to the status quo and not all books have been well received in their time. 

Many have been banned, censored or even burned., but as Antonio Escohotado said, «the truth imposes itself» And books were no exception. Time has vindicated them and today they are considered essential.

In this article, I tell you the story of some of the most controversial banned books in history, the reasons why they were censored and how they managed to transcend. Some of these cases will surprise you!

📖 1. George Orwell's "1984" – When fiction becomes reality

Reason for censorship: Political criticism and anti-communism

If you've ever heard phrases like "Big Brother is watching you" or "doublethink," you've already been influenced by 1984. George Orwell published this work in 1949 as a warning about totalitarian regimes., where the government controls the truth, history and even people's thoughts.

🔴 Why was it banned? In the Soviet Union, the novel was banned until 1988 for its strong criticism of authoritarian regimes. Ironically, in the US it has also been banned in some libraries and schools for its political and sexual content.

✨ How he survived: Far from being forgotten, 1984 It has become a reference point in popular culture and every time a controversy arises about mass surveillance, fake news or government control, Your message becomes more relevant.

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1984 (Contemporary) 1984 (Contemporary) 10,40 EURAmazon Prime

📖 2. “The Satanic Verses” by Salman Rushdie – A book that put a price on its author

Reason for censorship: Blasphemy and religious offense

If there is a banned book that created a global storm, it is The Satanic VersesPublished in 1988, Rushdie's novel mixes magical realism with religious elements, earning him a fatwa (religious ruling) by Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini, ordering his death.

🔴 Why was it banned? Several Muslim-majority countries censored the book, considering it offensive to Islam. There were violent protests, bookstores were set on fire and even assassination attempts against the author.

✨ How he survived: Despite censorship, the book became a symbol of the fight for freedom of expression. Rushdie spent years in hiding, but continued to write. Today he is a reference for literary resistance.

📖 3. “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley – A paradise or a nightmare?

Reason for censorship: Immoral content and criticism of society

Imagine a society where people are happy all the time because they take a drug called soma, feels no love or sadness, and doesn't think too much. Does it sound tempting or scary? That's why it was considered one of the banned books.

🔴 Why was it banned? When it was published in 1932, A happy world It was considered dangerous. In Ireland it was banned for "moral corruption" and in the US some schools banned it because of its sexual content and pessimistic view of the future.

✨ How he survived: The novel is more current than ever. With the rise of technology, mass consumption and the culture of artificial happinessHuxley seemed like a visionaryAre we closer to his “utopia” than we think?

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Brave New World (Contemporary) Brave New World (Contemporary) 11.35 EURAmazon Prime

📖 4. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe – The book that challenged slavery

Reason for censorship: Abolitionist and political content

When Abraham Lincoln met Harriet Beecher Stowe, he is reported to have told her: "So you're the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war."And he was not exaggerating.

🔴 Why was it banned? Published in 1852, this book exposed the brutal conditions of slaves in the US and fueled the debate that would lead to the Civil War. In the south of the country it was banned and in some places even burned.

✨ How he survived: It became a worldwide success and a key work of the abolitionist movement. Today it remains a benchmark in the fight for human rights.

📖 5. “Ulysses” by James Joyce – Too daring for its time

Reason for censorship: Obscene language and explicit sexuality

Yeah Ulysses If it were published today, would it be so controversial? Possibly not, but in 1922, this book was considered too bold. Perhaps it is a question of another era. Fortunately, it is still with us as an essential classic.

🔴 Why was it banned? In the US and UK, it was banned for "obscenity." The novel contained an interior monologue with explicit thoughts from the characters, which shocked many at the time.

✨ How he survived: Today it is a classic of modern literature and His style continues to be studied in universities around the world..

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Ulysses (Contemporary) Ulysses (Contemporary) 14.20 EURAmazon Prime

📖 6. George Orwell's Animal Farm – A fable that's all too real

Reason for censorship: Political criticism and anti-communism

A group of animals rebel against humans to build a just society… but end up creating an even more oppressive regime.

🔴 Why was it banned? Published in 1945, it was censored in the Soviet Union and other communist countries. It has also been banned in some schools for its political content. Politics always so attentive…

✨ How he survived: His message about the corruption of power is still relevant, and his famous phrase "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others" It is used throughout the world to denounce injustices.

📖 7. Charles Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" – Science vs. Faith

Reason for censorship: Conflict with religion

When Darwin published his theory of evolution in 1859, unleashed an earthquake in science and religion. One of the banned books that would have left us without one of the foundations of science and the pillar of evolution.

🔴 Why was it banned? In many countries and schools, The origin of species It was banned for challenging belief in divine creation. Even today there are places where attempts are made to censor the teaching of evolution.

✨ How he survived: It is one of the most important scientific books in history. Thanks to it, we better understand how life on Earth works.

📖 8. “The Catcher in the Rye” by JD Salinger – The cursed book

Reason for censorship: Inappropriate language and alleged incitement to violence

If a book is banned multiple times and is linked to several famous crimes, its aura of mystery grows. This young adult novel made more than one person put their hands on their heads.

🔴 Why was it banned? Since its publication in 1951, it has been banned from many schools for its strong language and criticism of society's hypocrisy. It was also found in the possession of Mark Chapman, John Lennon's murderer, which fueled his black legend.

✨ How he survived: Today it is a key work of the young adult literature and Its protagonist, Holden Caulfield, continues to connect with generations of rebellious readers.

🎯 Banned books never die

Censorship tries to silence ideas, but the banned books find a way to survive. Many of these censored books are now considered essential. Who decides what we can read and what we can't? History shows that truth and creativity always find their way.

If you liked this article, share it and tell me: What other censored books do you think should be on this list? 📚🔥

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