
Dopamine Detox: The key to regaining your reading concentration

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About that cool word called Dopamine Detox… This article is over 1600 words long, and it's tough, but It is highly possible that for that reason you will not even finish reading it.This could be due to several factors, but I will point out 2:

  1. I'm boring and I can't write, for which I take full blame.
  2. Your mind will tell you as you read these lines: «Give me something else, quick, scroll down».

Assuming you have learned something in the last few years and are able to—with superhuman effort— keep your attention for the next 9 or 10 minutesLet's see how we manage and eliminate that extra dopamine that prevents you from concentrating when reading.

Let's see. Reading is a fundamental skill for learning and personal development, but in This world full of digital distractions, maintaining concentration has become a real challenge.

That is why the need arises for the dopamine detox either Dopamine Detox, which we wouldn't have to use if we had more control over social networks and the use of new technologies, but surprise, we don't have it...

So we are left with this, an effective strategy for regain focus and enjoy the pleasure of reading againIn this article, we are going to see what is the Dopamine Detox, how dopamine affects your ability to concentrate and how to apply it to improve your reading.

What is Dopamine Detox and why should you care?

Let's get to the important part. Dopamine Detoxification is a process that consists of temporarily reducing or eliminating stimuli that generate immediate pleasure and quick rewards. You know: Tiktok, Instagram, Shorts

Does it sound difficult? Well yes, like quitting any addiction, because you may not know it, but You are addicted to your mobile phone. You and everyone else. Don't feel bad, but it is important to be aware in order to find a solution.

With these "Dopamine Fasts" the idea is allow your brain to reset and regain its ability to enjoy activities more deeply, such as reading books again with the same passion and concentration as before.

How does dopamine affect reading concentration?

Dopamine is a key neurotransmitter in the brain's reward system. Every time we You receive a notification on your phone, watch a short video or play a video game, our brain releases dopamine, which reinforces the behavior of seeking more rapid stimuli. This phenomenon generates:

  • Decreased patience: Reading requires sustained effort and delayed rewards, the opposite of digital distractions. That's why you constantly lose the thread when reading.
  • Difficulty maintaining attention: If your brain is used to receiving dopamine quickly, it gets impatient when an activity doesn't reward it immediately. It wants more and faster, and reading isn't like that.
  • Reduced enjoyment of deep activities: Reading now seems “boring” to you compared to other activities that provide instant gratification. Nothing could be further from the truth, but your attention is “fried” and interprets it that way.
  • Developing procrastination habitsConstant exposure to digital stimuli makes it harder to start tasks that require prolonged effort. Because there is no immediate reward, you leave books halfway rather than enjoying them.

Benefits of Dopamine Detox for reading

By reducing overexposure to intense stimuli for a period of time, you will notice improvements, and these are instantaneous:

  • Increase your attention span: Suddenly you'll notice that you're beginning to delve deeper into tasks that you previously found difficult to do. Your attention will focus on what you're doing.
  • Enjoy reading and other intellectual activities more: This is essential. You will begin to notice how reading becomes more immersive and you will enjoy it more.
  • Improve reading comprehension: By focusing fully on the content of the books, you will regain that understanding that was previously lost or that required a titanic effort.
  • Increase patience and tolerance to mental effort: You won't need everything to happen quickly. Your relationship with "slow" things, like reading a good book, will improve.
  • Recovering the ability to dive deep: In reading and other activities that require full concentration, you will regain that feeling of focus.

How to do a Dopamine Detox to improve reading concentration

There are several levels of dopamine detoxification. Below, I show you a progressive plan on how I did it to regain my ability to concentrate and improve my reading.

1. Identify and reduce fast stimuli

This is essential. You are aware of the problem and now it is time to identify what is causing it. Make a list of the activities that generate the most dopamine for you and distract you from reading. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Social networks
  • Short videos (TikTok, YouTube Shorts, Reels)
  • Video games
  • Fast-paced series or movies
  • Compulsive eating (especially sugars and ultra-processed foods)
  • Constant phone notifications
  • Constantly changing tasks without finishing them

We each have our own, but if you are truly aware It won't be hard for you to identify them and create that list. that will help you take action to improve your attention and cut out excess dopamine.

2. Introduce periods of “dopamine fasting”

Go slowly. This will depend on your addiction levels, but adapt them to your situation. It won't be easy, but I'm sure you'll only find beneficial results. Start with time blocks without these stimuli:

  • 30/30 technique: Start with controlled times and you really have exaggerated levels of dopamine. You can try 30 minutes without distractions, 30 minutes of controlled rest.
  • Morning dopamine fasting: One of the best ways to start is to delay your exposure to those distractions. Avoid any digital stimulation in the first hour of the day and use that time to read.
  • Screen-free day: If you are already at an advanced level, you can set yourself the goal of going one day a week without social media or videos. This way, you introduce long periods of dopamine absence.
  • Specific times of digital use: You can also try having specific times of social media use throughout the day. Assign specific times to use the phone or use those apps.

3. Replace bad habits with reading

You're already making progress. Congratulations! Once you reduce the intense stimuli, it's a good time to train your brain to enjoy reading again, which is ultimately what we're here for:

  • Choose books that really interest you: Don't read for the sake of reading. It's important to select readings that appeal to you to make the process more enjoyable.
  • Use the 10 minute rule: You can “schedule” reading as a workout. Force yourself to read at least 10 minutes before doing any other activity.
  • Keep a reading journal: It is very important to keep track and it will help you to be more aware. Recording the pages you have read each day will help you to be motivated.
  • Read aloud or take notes: This is a good technique to improve retention. I will talk about this later.

4. Improve your reading environment

To make this solution long-lasting and to regain the love of reading, you can it is advisable to create a suitable environment to enhance your ability to concentrate. How do we do that? Let me tell you:

  • Eliminate distractions: Put your phone in airplane mode or out of the room. Out of reach!
  • Create a reading corner: Try to have a comfortable, well-lit space without electronic devices nearby.
  • Use the Pomodoro technique: I've already told you about it and it's very effective. 25 minutes of concentrated reading and 5 minutes of rest.
  • Maintain a reading routine: Like all routines, reading at the same time every day reinforces the habit.
dopamine detox dopamine detox 2

5. Reward effort naturally

We agree that immediate rewards are not the best, and books are precisely what give us that wonderful feeling, but in the long term. The brain needs rewards, but these can be healthy and sustainable:

  • Enjoy the progress: Don't look for the end, but for the path. Make sure that the whole process of the story is enjoyable.
  • Change the context: Experiment with different locations. Read in a coffee shop or park to make it more stimulating.
  • Share your reading: Talking about what you read with friends or on social media reinforces the habit. Let's see if we can create a reading club.
  • Associate reading with something pleasurable: Like a hot infusion or a comfortable chair. Let it be your moment of mental peace.

Results: How long does it take to see the effect of Dopamine Detox?

Well, there is no right answer to this. It will vary depending on how dependent you are on immediate distractions and how seriously you take the dopamine detox process.

You may notice improvements in a few days or maybe several weeks, but don't worry. We're talking about how nothing needs to be immediate, so the results shouldn't distract you from your focus either. Enjoy the journey.

Of course, you will see that from the first moment you see small changes:

  • Greater ease in concentrating on long texts.
  • Less urge to check your phone while reading.
  • Greater enjoyment in intellectual activities.
  • Increase in the ability to learn and retain information.
  • Recovering the enjoyment of prolonged reading.

Recover your love for reading with the Dopamine Detox

Dopamine detox is not a punishment, quite the opposite. It is a tool for regain control over your attention and rediscover the pleasure of readingWith small changes to your routine and a structured plan, you can start enjoying reading like never before.

If you apply this method consistently, you will notice that it not only improves your reading ability, but also increases your focus in all areas of your life. Let me know in the comments when you get it.

Start your new life today and become a focused and passionate reader!

GP Lozano

Avid reader and writer of a short essay. Learning everything within my reach every day that passes. «A small tile within a large mosaic…»


  1. Very good article, Guillermo!

    The issue of loss of attention and concentration seems to me to be a real plague nowadays, and the advice you give is very accurate in order to start taking control. It is impressive how many people have gone from being able to read for hours without distractions to not being able to open a book without feeling the need to check their mobile, as if the brain had been reprogrammed for constant distraction.

    I found the idea of reducing stimuli little by little, rather than trying to make a drastic change all at once, very interesting. In the end, regaining concentration is like regaining physical fitness: it is achieved with constant practice, not with a one-day sprint.

    Thank you for sharing this content, which we need in this era of hyperconnectivity. Greetings!

    • Thank you so much!

      Yes, it is necessary, yes. As you say, it is at a point where it is scary. It seems that we are becoming less and less aware of our lack of attention and concentration.

  2. Very interesting, Guillermo.
    Your post helps us to take into account the times we live in, where we are subject to a large number of stimuli that make it difficult to concentrate on long tasks. The advice you give is consistent in combating this lack of continued attention.
    A big hug 🙂

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